Topic: E-Marketing
Publishing Articles About B2b Sales And Marketing – Question 4 Of 4
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Question 1 of 4 - recognised opinion leaders
Question 2 of 4 - new opinion leaders
Question 3 of 4 - improving the click-through
So far we've had some great advice about who to source content from (current opinion leaders and leaders of the future), and on how to improve click-throughs. Now, our final hurdle:
Problem 4 of 4: Our sign-up from forwards is woefull. We know that some members forward the articles to colleagues (because they often tell us when they reply) and we know that they get value form these articles. But we get too few subscriptions form email forwards. Most of our self-subscribes come from SEO.
When a member clicks through from the email they are automatically logged in so they can change their profile or unsubscribe. We suspect this might be an impediment, but our system (ASP-based and not super-flexible) can’t do anything clever like confront them with a “Hi, if you are Hugh Macfarlane, please click here, otherwise please click here to sign in”. Recently we have modified our emails so they don't log the user in at all, hoping this will help. Not much change yet.
We have an “email a friend” button on each page, but this is rarely used. We have a subscribe link in the footer of our email. This might be too discrete, but it is right next to the unsubscribe button which people seem to not have any difficulty finding (low unsubscribe rates, but one or two each month so we know people can find it).
Question 4 of 4: How can we encourage active forwards? We have done nothing to specifically encourage members to forward (yet), and need some proven (or original, off the wall) ideas to base any initiative on. The sort of members we have now (and want in the future) are reasonabley heavy folk: senior Sales and Marketing people and CEOs who are very interested in generating demand (managing their funnel). Specific experience-based suggestions would be most appreciated (we’ve got theory coming out of our ears already).
Thanks in anticipation, Hugh