Topic: E-Marketing
Publishing Articles About B2b Sales And Marketing – Question 3 Of 4
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Question 1 of 4 (now closed, but suggest you to read for background)
Question 2 of 4 (still open)
Problem 3 of 4: Our yield is dropping. Prior to December 2003, we averaged 25% click-throughs, but this is falling. Feedback from those who read them is super-positive, but we need more to read. Our emails are sent monthly, and they are very short invitations to read one of four leading articles written by opinion leaders on subjects that are compatible with our methodology.
The system we use to for our web site and member-management (including emails) can only present a single trackable link, even though there are four articles. We could link to the articles from the email, but we’d lose all tracking. So our invitation from a single email is to click through to a single page that summarises each of the four articles, and then provides four links to a one-screen précis of each explaining how this article fits with our methodology, and they in turn link to the full article.
We don’t know if the problem is that SPAMers have ruined a good medium for us, or that four articles in one monthly email is too much and maybe we should do one email with a single article each week, or that there are too many steps, or something else we’ve missed.
Question 3 of 4: How can we improve our click-throughs? This is an opt-in list of (typically very senior) sales and marketing people (and CEOs) who are very interested in generating demand (managing their funnel). Specific experience-based suggestions would be most appreciated (we’ve got theory coming out of our ears already).
I will post question 4 (encouraging email forwards) after this one runs out of steam.