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MarketingProfs University: The Ultimate Recipe for a Great Brand Story

Meg Tripp
Jennifer Kelly
Thu, Jun 11, 2015, 12pm ET
60 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 1 star(s)

A boring brand is a lot like a boring meal—easily forgotten! But if you bring the right amount of flavor to the table, you'll be the only thing anyone talks about the next day.

In this PRO seminar, we'll guide you through the brand storytelling tips, tools, and techniques you'll need to create something your audience can't resist—and that they won't get tired of sharing.


Meg Tripp is the director of editorial strategy at Sametz Blackstone Associates in Boston, where she helps clients connect more effectively with their audiences through interactive and conversation-based digital and social media channels. Before working for Sametz Blackstone, she held marketing and directorial roles with several nonprofit organizations. Meg also has a Bachelor's of Arts in English and Political Science from the University of British Columbia.

Who Should Attend?

Copywriters, social media managers, and marketing managers alike will each learn something valuable to apply in their roles. This seminar will help you keep authentic, on-brand messaging at the center of all of your marketing materials.

What Will You Learn?

At the end of this seminar, you'll be able to:

  • Whip up a brand messaging structure that isn't full of hot air
  • Season your storytelling efforts to suite different audience palates
  • Use engaging stories to spice up your brand

About MarketingProfs University

MarketingProfs UniversityThis PRO seminar is the first class of MarketingProfs University's Marketing Writing Bootcamp. This 13-class course will teach you how to master various forms of marketing writing including crafting emails, creating content, drafting press releases, putting together presentations, editing videos, telling stories, and much more.

Like what you see here? Register now for the complete course—PRO members save 40% (regularly $595)!

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