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What Marketers Need to Know about Podcasting and Streaming Video

Jeremiah Owyang
Thu., Aug. 9, 2007, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 4.5 star(s)

Online communications are changing. Customers are now sharing their brand and product experiences with each other using podcasts, online video and now live video streaming. With the web evolving to also include these richer media channels, the savvy marketer must learn how to listen, understand and use the same media.

Learn from a leading blogger, podcaster and live streaming expert as he shares in this interactive seminar how B2B and B2C corporations are using these tools to reach customers.


Jeremiah Owyang is a well known web strategy and media expert and is sought out by both Fortune 1000 and startup companies. He is currently director of corporate media strategy at In this role, he consults with PodTech's Fortune 1000. He also writes a daily blog Web Strategy by Jeremiah and speaks at technology, public relations and marketing conferences about web and media strategy.

Before PodTech, Jeremiah was responsible for the strategy and development of corporate web programs at Hitachi Data Systems, Exodus Communications, Cable and Wireless and World Savings (now Wachovia). Most recently at Hitachi Data Systems, Jeremiah lead the Social Media program connecting customers using blogs, forums, wikis, RSS and podcasts.

Jeremiah Owyang holds a bachelors degree in in Marketing from San Francisco State University.

Who Should Attend?

Marketing professionals in communications, advertising and PR, in all industries. Whether you're an online media newbie or you're already streaming away, you'll get great ideas from this seminar.

What Will You Learn?

  • An overview of the changes and what you should know
  • Practical B2B and B2C case studies
  • How to get started with a limited budget
  • Doing it right, doing it wrong and being irrelevant
  • How to understand the trends: faster, smaller and mobile
  • The ROI conundrum and how to measure your effectiveness

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