
Topic: Other

Customer Call Centre

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My company is a small local bank in africa. We have 2 main business units catering for B2B and B2C customers. The B2B has 2 seperate units for Institutional and Corporate/Industrial buyers. B2C has a unit for professionals as well as the least preferred retail mass market. The present headache is to set up a call centre for the preferred segments of the B2B + the professionals. My initial thought is for the centre to go beyond complaints and enquiries to handle customer database management to help our CRM drive. I am currently contemplating the procurement of a good CRM software for the purpose. Any ideas on how to go about setting up such a centre and the most appropriate software.
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  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    Now the call center became the contact center, a place where you contact the customers for delivering services, sell products, develop relations, increase customer knowledge, distribute the transactions to all the organization. The better software should be compatible with your actual system, because you will need to communicate to them, give and receive information. The employee profile is very important, enthusiastic, service attitude, listening, trustworthy, positive, financial services knowledge, internal operation, gentle voice, empathic.

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