
Topic: Other

Is Quickbooks Hosting Good For Cpa's

Posted by manya.agrahari on 250 Points
We have CPA's in our company and we want to go fully remote for them but as CPA's handle accounting part and it involves financial risk part as well so just wondering taking Quickbooks hosting will be safe and benificial as well??
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  • Posted on Moderator
    1. This is not really a marketing question. How/why would you expect a bunch of marketing professionals to provide a well-informed response to your question?

    2. There are probably pros and cons to the issue. Why not get some CPAs to weigh in? You'll also want to define what "beneficial" means for you? How would you measure the "benefits?" How "safe" is safe enough?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Have you read this 2 part article ("Risks of Hosting QuickBooks Files"): ?

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