
Topic: Other

How To Write A Hvac Telemarketing Script?

Posted by marketing on 250 Points
I am starting a telemarketing arm of my HVAC business to cold call for new customers, and offer preventative maintenance services. I could really use help writing an outbound telemarketing script.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Focus on asking prospects how old their HVAC systems is, then have a series of talking points outlining the typical costs incurred to repair and or to replace an HVAC system in summer, when it's nigh on impossible to get anyone at any firm to come out without them charging an arm and a leg just for the service call. Ask prospects if they's be interested in hearing about an offer of continuing maintenance programs for summer, for a monthly fee, that gives them guaranteed priority service packages, discounted rates on parts and labour, and quarterly system check up ... ask if you can send this to them by priority mail and get their name and address, then follow up via mail, with extra coupons for them to offer to friends, with additional sweeteners for their referrals ...
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Gary's script is fine and could likely work for any HVAC company in your region. The question is: How is your company better/different than the competition? That's what I'd focus on in your script, otherwise you're not optimizing your efforts.
  • Posted on Moderator
    I'd start by interviewing a dozen or so people in the target audience ... just to understand how they think and feel about the service you are contemplating. What do they do now? How would they feel about a different approach? What questions would they have?

    Don't try to sell them on the concept. Just ask a few high-gain questions and let them talk. Listen carefully and take notes -- not just for the ideas they communicate but also to the words they use. If you do this well, they will all but write the script for you.

    Remember, people buy benefits, so be sure your focus is on how you will make their lives better -- i.e., the core benefit to them.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    As for standing out from your competition, figure out what the industry standards are for service, training, and follow-up and then set about telling clients how your company exceeds them.

    Work out what clients and customers fear, object to, and don't like about HVAC servicing and then dramatically demonstrate how your company overcomes those fears and objections.

    Invest time and effort in creating a series of 'only' statements. Meaning, only your company provides X, Y, and Z. Only your company follows up with A, B, and C. Only your engineers are qualified at QWERTY level and above.

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