
Topic: Research/Metrics

Thoughts And Feelings About Video

Posted by randy on 50 Points
Help If you can.

We are in the process of doing some very important research on video production services and how companies FEEL about video companies. Would you answer this question?

What does video production services mean to you?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    To me, and without more detail, the term "video production services" equates to major expense.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Video production guided by the client's creative brief is good.
    Video production guided by the producer's (creative) hunches isn't.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Video production is the implementation/technical portion of a creative strategy for a product that requires visual support to tell its story. It usually seems expensive unless/until you see what a huge difference it can make and how ineffective it is when you try to do it "on the cheap."

    When the strategy calls for video you need to involve a video production expert to execute.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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