
Topic: Other

Lead Management Features For Small Business

Posted by ananya918sharma on 250 Points
What lead management features are indispensable for a small business?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The ones that work for that business (each business has different needs and strategies to connect with prospects).
  • Posted by ananya918sharma on Author
    Thanks jay for sharing your views.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Regarding sales and marketing strategy, my personal practice is to use an agricultural analogy. Opportunities can be planted and nursed and cultivated over time until they are ready and ripe. Some companies (especially those with highly innovative or unique products) begin by convincing the prospect that they may have a need, and then planting an idea, and nursing it and cultivating it over time until it becomes a qualified prospect. Other companies don't have patience, and only focus on opportunities which are fully qualified right now today. Your sales process will depend on your corporate sales strategy, channels of distribution, competition, sales price, industry, geography, and many other factors. Your lead management system will depend on what you consider to be a lead, and how you plan to follow them up.

    In my experience, most problems with sales process are related to "plowing" (convincing those in your target market that they have a need for your product) and lead nurturing (providing helpful information over time as opportunities mature.)
  • Posted on Accepted
    What kind of small business? What industry? Where? What kind of competitive environment? What is the typical sales cycle? Etc.

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to your question, but if you give us more detailed information we can almost certainly give you useful information.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    What size is the business in terms of annual revenues?
  • Posted by ananya918sharma on Author
    Thanks telemoxie for your response.
  • Posted by ananya918sharma on Author
    Hi mgoodman! My question is regarding to any kind of small business for example FMCG, Hospitality & healthcare. so what lead management is important for all this small industries?

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