Topic: Research/Metrics
How To Propose Win/loss Analysis To My Company
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is this something you can bootstrap or do you need the muscle/sponsorship from high level management to make it work? I.e., does it need sales management sponsorship or can marketing go to the close account managers we have good relationships with, etc., and ask for their help. Could something like that last and scale?
i'm an outbound product marketer and only really interested in delivering the right content/messaging that impacts buying decisions. (I'm not coming from a product management role)
I'm not asking for the right template/questions to use in an interview but rather the kind of organizational gotchas I should be thinking about. For example, I've been told if it's a politically sensitive thing then just do "wins" and not losses so it doesn't feel like a fishing expedition of who screwed up the deal.
looking for real practical advice, like "stay away form big strategic accounts in the beginning, focus on small distribution channel accounts..." stuff like that.