
Topic: Research/Metrics

When Is The Best Time To Send Direct Mail?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Are there any times of the week/month/year one should avoid when choosing a date to send out a survey questionnaire? Before/after holidays? How soon after major public holidays? Any advice welcome
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Hi Tom and welcome.

    This is difficult (if not impossible) to answer well, as honestly different sectors, different businesses within the sectors and different individuals within the business all act differently.
    It also depends on how you are sending this! Email or postal ?

    Me, catch me before a holiday and I'll answer the survey, colleagues may be busy right until they leave, but either will reply when on holiday (!) or have some free time when they get back.

    NOTE: If its postal then its probably best after a holiday when mail is lighter anyway. If its email, usually during the day (mid afternoon) is better (I'm sure we all go through our inbox first thing in the morning ad delete everything that looks like SPAM!).

    The important think to note is that if you get a "nil" respondant, do not take it that they do not want to respond, but keep in touch with them, remind them of the survey and ask again.

    Always remember that you will get a better response if you include something for FREE! Be it something tangible or a white paper or report etc.

    Probably not the answer you are looking for, but good luck anyway.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Tom, there is a Search Questions link on the right side of this page. Try it with the keywords "direct mail."

    Even better, follow the instructions on the bottom of the Search page for using Google to perform a more targeted search here. I think you'll find a few good Q&A threads about direct mail TIMING.

    - Shelley

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