
Topic: Research/Metrics

Looking For Demographic Data Providers

Posted by denise.wagner on 125 Points
I'm trying to find a demographic service that's fairly reasonable. I'm familiar with Claritas/Nielson, ESRI, etc. We just don't have the budget for those right now. Any suggestions?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I've been able to get a lot of useful information from the Statistical Abstract of the United States. It's more than 1,400 pages, so it helps a lot if you know what you're looking for first.

    The nice thing about the Statistical Abstract is that the tables are pretty much the same format every year, so it's easy to collect time-series data if you're looking for trends. (And there are decades of history.) And, of course, it's free/online.

    The drawback: It's just for the U.S. (I'm not sure whether there are similar resources in other countries or not.)
  • Posted by denise.wagner on Author
    mgoodman: Thanks. I did find, and I'm going to check out the site you recommended. For what I'm doing raw census data probably makes the most sense. Appreciate your help.
  • Posted by dwagner on Member

    thanks again for your help. I think I got what I needed.

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