
Topic: Other

Is Offline Marketing Dead?

Posted by rum68br on 125 Points
Went to a marketing event this week which outlined that offline marketing was a thing of the past. Is this true and why not?
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  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Accepted
    No it is not. Some forms of offline marketing are diminished and others may fade away, but overall I do not see it as a "thing of the past". You need both for most businesses and one or the other for some others.

    Your "marketing" event, people who claim this, are probably not real marketers, but rather Internet Marketing and Social Media Priest and Priestesses who pronounce their "religion" as the one and only.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Of course it's not true.

    Here's the executive summary from research by Forrester (last year) on television advertising through 2014 (in the United States):

    Television remains the dominant mass medium in the US, and TV ad spending is usually the biggest line item in consumer marketers' budgets. Spending has been down lately, primarily due to the recession rather than marketing mix shifts. ... Longer-term, cable TV will recognize the benefits of advanced TV advertising technologies like addressability and interactivity first and will drive the five-year forecast to approach a 4% CAGR.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Yes, i think it's fair to say online marketing has damaged offline. That's simply because it's easier to market online. It can be cheaper (social media), can be tracked in greater detail (amount of clicks etc), and can target specifics. It's just more convenient and therefore more powerful.

    You can't spend all of your time online though seeing as you need a computer or the equivalent so there will always be that opportunity to advertise to people offline. For now anyway!

    Technology, according to Moore's law, is doubling in power every 18 months. You see this with online businesses such as facebook and the marketing they generate. People are buying things like ipads which grant the online world into your hand wherever you are.

    I think offline marketing isn't dead quite yet, simply because of the power media such as TV still holds, but it's dying....
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Your question is probably a little misleading, too, because you are really asking about ADVERTISING, not MARKETING -- and they are not the same thing. Advertising is one component of marketing, but it's certainly not a synonym.

    A few offline components of Marketing are pricing, product development, understanding and responding to customer needs, packaging, etc. Those are not dead or dying. They're just as important as they always were.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Utter crap.

    Every few months some idiotic halfwit with no brain, let alone any understanding of how marketing works (ANY marketing) slithers out from under a stone and proclaims that the world of offline marketing is dead. Or dying. Or that it's a dinosaur. Or some other such nonsense.

    Normally the person concerned spouts this crap because they want their audience to but THEIR online marketing solution, a solution that will deliver a bajillion highly qualified leads WITHIN SECONDS—Guaranteed!

    Yes, and I have a nice bridge into Brooklyn that I can let you have TODAY only, for a very reasonable price. But you must act swiftly: the tides is coming in.

    A good amount of ALL advertising does not work (by which token it could thus be seen as a thing of the past) because its message (if it has one, which is often not the case) fails to connect the use OF a given product by a buyer with a specific benefit TO the buyer.
  • Posted on Accepted
    NO. it's not.
    It's because the marketing is combined the online and offline. For example, at the conference you will meet a potential partner, how to introduce your company? You cannot bring your computer to show your company images. You just need to give him/her a bisiness car or a brochure, which is the offline marketing.
    Additionally, NOT all of the products is successful in online marketing. For example, the products just for the guests in a small area, online marketing can not touch with the guets...

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