
Topic: Research/Metrics

Tv Advertising Case Studies W/ Response Rates

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Does anyone know if research exists of past TV advertising campaigns with response rate statistics. I've contacted a couple of media research firms and nothing is available for purchase.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Many advertisers don't have specific measures of response for individual television advertising campaigns. That's especially true since television advertising is generally part of a more comprehensive marketing effort.

    Even if there were statistics like this, I suspect the information would be considered proprietary by the advertiser.

    I seriously doubt that you'll be able to find what you're looking for. What's the purpose? Maybe there's another way to get what you really want.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    what exact response metrics are you looking for? If you agree the ultimate response is purchase, the single-source experiments in Newstead et al (2009) are mos revealing:

  • Posted by BizConsult on Accepted
    There are sources/research for such information but don’t waste your time – they will NOT be accurate for your brand/business. There are far too many variables involved in determining response rates to be able to use them as even a rough benchmark for comparison to any other brands. For example, the:

    Specific category / what’s being sold
    Distribution channel(s) represented
    Measurement methodology
    Target audience
    Marketplace and economy at that time
    Brand(s) involved, their relative market position/strength / availability of substitutes, etc.
    Position in the lifecycle of the brands measured (age, SOM, etc.)
    Amount of marketing and advertising they’ve done in the past
    Other marketing, PR, promotions and discounts taking place
    Campaign age, number of pool-outs
    Spot length, spending
    Dayparts & programming
    SOV & other clutter
    Brand positioning & communication strategy
    Creative itself, entertainment value
    Awareness, attention and persuasion scores
    Competitive marketing activities
    Etc., etc., etc.

    If you can hold all those variables constant for your brand – maybe you have an approximation, otherwise, I’d suggest setting up a test with balanced test and control cells to give you an answer that is meaningful for your business!


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