
Topic: Research/Metrics

How To Calculate Roi For Catalogue Marketing?

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
How would one calculate the ROI for Catalogue Marketing right at the planning process itself? We have no past data to fall back on. We would have to project results and then compare it with the cost. Could you,

1. Suggest different cost heads that one should keep in mind, if the program involves Online Catalogues also.

2. Expected rate of returns/responses

The product is Ayurvedic cosmetics and medicines. The lists are outsourced.

Please suggest executable solutions. Minimum theory.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Costs frequently overlooked might include design, agency fees, answering phone calls, clearing credit cards, bank account fees, insurance and liabilty, attorney fees, web/design fees for online, hosting fees for online, order processing for online (basically online is cheaper in all of the above since you can automate everything except the shipping.) . In remote shopping, utilizizng a physical catalog, these costs can be huge, such as to pick, pack, and ship. They must be included in the overall calculation to measure true campaign ROI.

    You may also need to consider the possibility of customer returns/refunds. Product damaged during shipment, assembly errors, disatisfaction, etc.

    As far as some numbers...I found some for you:

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Actually, I made a can automate shipping from the website. I was referring to the fact that actual people have to load the ruck, fly the palne, etc. The rest can me automatic and involve ONe TIME fees for design, software, etc. rather than trying to manage a call center, employees, empolyee taxes....etc, etc.
  • Posted on Member

    In ppt, if you open new/auto content wizard you'll see a marketing plan option - that'll give you a template marketing plan presentation.

    If ppt suits how your mind works, then it's perfect for you.

    I'd recommend mindmanager ( or thebrain ( as more natural thinking tools - and sleeves-rolled-up in any appropriate software (or pen & paper) for the nitty gritty detail.


    Will Rowan

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