
Topic: Other

What Are The Steps I Have To Follow To Be Successful Marketing Executive For The Product Of Web Development And Web Design

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i want to market web development and web design
so let me know . the steps and procedures to increse my customers. to be successful marketing executive
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi gnanam:

    How much time and money do you have?

    You can go back to school, there are some very good ones that teach website design and other areas of e-business - how to monetize the Internet - if you have a 2-3 years and ~$25,000 US dollars.

    If, not hmmm..... get reading and training yourself. Lots of online help, tutorials & online classes available.

    There are as many website designers in some towns as there are dogs BUT far too many of them are very poor at combining good website design WITH good marketing and business sense, so it is highly possible to carve yourself out a niche.

    I hope that helps!

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