
Topic: Other

Send Us Your Details

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We're a small business just starting up; I did some cold calling and got some results I was told to send our details though they've got their own regulars they will be willing to take a look !

What do they require of me ? am brochure, a quote, or just my companies adrress and what we offer.
please I've started to feel the fear syndrome
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted

    Brochures are a simple and effective way to start and here is a quick, easy and FREE solution to help you make them:

    Click on this link, it will bring you to a FREE site that is called My Brochure Maker, where you can easily create a brochure or flyer for your small business in minutes. It only takes a few simple steps to design and build brochures with high-quality imagery right at your own desk. My Brochure Maker makes it easy for you to create with free stock photography art and logos to enhance the communication value of your brochure or flyer. Sponsored by Hewlett Packard, My Brochure Maker was designed to provide you with a free, effortless way to design a brochure that is well-organized, graphically pleasing and will help your business grow.

    I hope that helps!

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    If you want to be dishonest, and a liar, you can follow mbarber's advice - but if you want to be unethical, why not rob banks? They have more money.

    I do not see how you can begin to build a relationship of trust by deliberatly misleading people.

    I cold call 7+ hours each day, and my personal strategy is to look at each situation from the prospect's point of view. The type of information they will want to receive from you will not only depend on your product and who you are selling to, as vevolution has pointed out, but also on the prospect's stage in the selling cycle.

    To me, one of the very key things we need to know to suggest material which would help (rather than mislead) prospects is the stage of your offering in the product life cycle. If your product is truly new, innovative, and unique, simply telling enough folk what it does will garner business from the "early adopters". If your offering is more standard and widely available, you may need a company image piece.

    I think you will find that if you give this forum more information, hopefully a link to your web site, you will be very suprised with the quantity and quality of specific helpful advice you will receive.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I like mbarber's advice.  A lot!

    Asking "Have you received what I sent you?" is deceptive if you haven't in fact sent anything. But that's not the question he proposed. One could argue that asking "Have you received anything yet?" implies the same thing, but I don't think this crosses any ethical lines.  
    (I could rant here about some of the disgracefully deceptive phone/mail campaigns I experience almost daily, especially the outrageous tactics of fundgrubbing Republican politicians!!)
    This approach is really clever; at its worst it's sly. ;]

    The goal is to get the prospects' attention and get them ready to be informed. Or as we say here in Texas, they're fixin' ta get some information.

    - Shelley

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