Topic: Research/Metrics
Creating More Effective Marketing Campaigns
I have been researching various models and reviewing the comments here. Much of what I have read deals with ROI, which is important to us, but we are looking for more help with developing a campaign or plan. Of course there are no guarantees, but I would like a way (system or other) where I can input the information we have gathered in research from demographics to historical patterns, to develop better campaigns for various types of businesses we serve. We want methods that will help to better determine what media should be used and how much weight should be distributed. I realize that a lot of this will come from our insight , but as many have said here, clients are looking to justify their spending in a much more aggressive manner. Bottom line, better measures that will either change or help validate our recommendations. As we see it, this is as close to a guarantee that we could ever come. I work with a small company with very little budget for many of the models I have reviewed...Help?
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