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He's Just Not That Into You: When Your Customer Doesn't Want a Relationship (and What to Do About It)

Allen Weiss
Thu., Mar. 18, 2010, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 1.5 star(s)

Celebrate our 200th Seminar with an insightful presentation from MarketingProfs own Founder & CEO Allen Weiss!

Customer loyalty is crucial in a world where budgets are tight and the cost of acquiring new B2B customers is much higher than maintaining and expanding relationships with your current customers. However, not every B2B customer wants a long-term relationship with you. The sooner you identify which customers are candidates for a value-added relationship, the faster you can focus your scarce resources on the B2B customers who will provide you with the highest return for your investment. But just how do you determine which customers are in it for the long run? Join us for this important presentation where Allen Weiss discusses not only the specific factors that can determine if a B2B customer wants a value-added relationship with you, but also how to nurture that relationship once it's established.


Allen Weiss is founder and CEO of MarketingProfs. He's also Professor of Marketing at the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California (USC). Allen has specialized throughout his career in technology marketing and pursued an interest in the inter-organizational relationships between firms. Prior to joining the faculty at USC, he was on the faculty at Stanford University and was a consulting member of the technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories. He has published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Organization Science, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Law, Economic and Organization, and the Journal of Industrial Economics.

Who Should Attend?

This seminar contains valuable insights for all levels of B2B marketers who want to learn more about customer loyalty and developing long-term customer relationships.

What Will You Learn?

  • What it means that a “value-added” relationship exists
  • When it is most appropriate to develop a strong relationship with a B2B customer
  • What strategies should be used with B2B customers who want long and short-term relationships
  • How to nurture a B2B customer relationship

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