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Post-Click Marketing: How to Make Your Landing Pages Hit, Not Miss

Scott Brinker
Valerie Witt
Thu., Sep. 13, 2007, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 5 star(s)

You spend good money buying clicks. Since every click leads to a landing experience—someone clicks on your ad or email link, hey, they land somewhere—you're really spending that money on generating paid landing experiences. Given that realization, how do you maximize landing experiences, with the quantitative goal of increasing conversions and the qualitative goal of building your brand?

If you're already using landing pages, this seminar will present a compelling case for thinking of them as landing experiences, and discuss why and how you should think outside of that box. With a combination of theoretical frameworks and on-the-ground tactics, we'll show you new ways to energize your post-click marketing to achieve absolutely envious conversion rates.


Scott Brinker has over 20 years of experience in developing and marketing commercial online services and software. As president and chief technology officer of ion interactive, Scott leads the company's product development and technical operations.

Before co-founding ion interactive, Scott was the managing partner of CyberOps, a web technology consultancy for clients such as Fujitsu, CBS Sportsline and Tribune Interactive. Prior to that, he was the president of Galacticomm, the leading provider of bulletin board system (BBS) software with more than 25,000 customers worldwide, including Boeing, Dell, Citibank, GE, Intel, and Sony. He started his career as a young entrepreneur, creating early social media software and multiplayer games in the 1980s, while operating the largest pay-for-play, dial-up online service in the southeastern U.S.

A passionate advocate of post-click marketing, Scott has written articles for Advertising Age, BtoB Marketing, and DM News. He blogs regularly at and is a regular contributor to the No More Landing Pages podcast channel. He was a founding board member of the Technology Forum of South Florida and previously served on the board of the US Internet Industry Association.

Who Should Attend?

Internet marketing professionals and web architects in all industries.

What Will You Learn?

  • Seven drivers of post-click marketing strategy, including Long Tail dynamics and online branding.
  • Taxonomy of different landing experiences, from one-shot landing pages to conversion paths and microsites.
  • Three good things about landing pages that should generally apply to all landing experiences.
  • Three bad things about landing pages that you should avoid.
  • Three "heretical" ideas about landing pages.
  • How signaling and segmentation counters the myth of Zipf's law in online marketing.
  • Why freeform A/B testing can outperform MVT in landing experience optimization (with apologies to Google's Website Optimizer—please don't kill our quality score).

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