
Topic: Strategy

Business Proposal

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What questions should I ask a client when trying to formulate a business proposal for potential investors
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  • Posted by jcmedinave on Member

    Business Proposal:

    1. Credentials: associates, experience, references.

    2. Business: description, advantages, market, customers, facilities, operation, competition, opportunities, growth.

    3. Finance: investment, income, expenses, utilities, recovery investment, time, price, risks.

    4. Offer(proposed): alternatives, financial, market, operation, guarantees, conditions, contract.

    5. Requirements: procedure to continue, information, studies, roles, contracts, beginning.

    Juan Carlos
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member

    The above is all good info. Let me add something else based from experience.

    A few years ago I successfully raised money from some angels. The most important thing I found was even with great answers to the most common questions and even with a great business plan, the biggest sales tool was in the presentation itself - selling me and the rest of the senior management team.

    Practice intelligent and well thought out answers to their anticipated questions. Bring your "A" team together and let them meet the "A" team.

    There are books available on angel investing, just go to Amazon and search, these have invaluable information into the mind of the angel, what motivates them etc.

    Any investor knows that you can pull numbers from anywhere and make them look good. It's amazing how everybody used to ramp revenue up the hockey stick to $75 million in 3-5 years. Right. Be careful about your projections.

    They also want to see skin in the game. If they loose, they want you to loose more then just your time.

    I hope that helps.

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