
Topic: Student Questions

Feedback For My Plan In The Trade Show

Posted by williamkusumo99 on 125 Points
The first plan before the trade show is:

1. Booth space
Rental costs
2. Exhibition stand
Design, construction, prints, installation, etc.
3. Logistics
Shipping, customs costs, insurance, etc.
4. Marketing
Advertisements, brochures, gifts, etc.
5. Staff
Wages, training, attire, accommodations, etc.
6. Show services
Utilities, carpet rental, WiFi, etc.
The entire cost sum up to 60000$ to have a trade show

Second plan would focus on promotional activities like:
1. Create a Virtual Pre-Show Event
2. Build Excitement with Pre-Show Gamification
3. Send a Handwritten Note to Existing Clients
4. Use Geofencing to Send Targeted Messages
5. Plan an Employee Social Media Takeover
6. Use Your Event App to Spark Pre-Show Engagement

What do yo think of the plan?
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  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    The MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange is NOT here for student homework assignments. Please pass that "comment" along to your RMIT University lecturer.

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