
Topic: Student Questions

Trade Show

Posted by s3786698 on 250 Points
Hello everyone
my name is Amir, I am a uni student studying currently studying promote product and finance (IB) in Melbourne. I am currently seeking for anyone to give me feedback and response for my assignment.
There are two action plan that i have made

The first action plan required is to schedule what activities need to be done before the trade show. This should be done using a Gantt chart to include timelines and costs that are realistic and consistent with budget resources

the second action plan will be developed for any promotional activities during the show.

the link is attached to the url. if it does not load in google spreadsheet please download in excel
Please as this is urgent
thanks in advance
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    This is not a GANTT chart.
    Many of the steps are generic. What actions do you propose that would increase the success rate (and how do you define success other than setting up a staffed booth)?
  • Posted by s3786698 on Author
    Sorry mate
    the presentation may not load so hopefully try download it as excel or spreadsheet. the link provided links to my google account so parts of the slide wont load
    maybe try this link
  • Posted by s3786698 on Author
    Hey Hamilton-Roth
    answering your question I believe success will come from the marketing plan I have provided. Such as allowing my international clients to advise me throughout the visit and before the trade show. They have strong knowledge in cultural differences in America and will boost understanding on how to clear my message at the show.
    I have set a strong and realistic budget for my Action Plan and carefully planned what to invest it towards. Big portion of the budget goes towards marketing, advertisement, employees and international networking.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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