
Topic: Taglines/Names

A Catchy Yet Classy Business Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
After many years in the events industry my friend and I have decided to take the plunge and open an Events Company but we are stuck on a name that needs to be catchy yet classy - please can anyone help? My name is Lola and my friends' name is Jessica ... thanks so much for all your help :-)
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    You can, of course, call your company anything you want to. But why not just tell people who you are and what you do?

    Why not just call your company "Exceptional Events by Lola and Jessica"?

    Your business name needs to telegraph what you do.
    It needs to raise awareness. The best way to do this is by using the story that's unique to you and Jessica.

    Really, truly ... and sadly, few business owners ever want to hear this advice but here it is again: the same advice I've been giving out on names for the last three years: there is no need for the name of a company to be anything other than relevant to the need being sought.

    Few business owners want to hear this because they believe that their business is somehow "different" and that as a result and in order to stand out, they need a name that's "catchy".

    Names like Apple, Sony, Fed-Ex, Google, and Yahoo
    are exceptions. They've all built their brands on service delivery ... by being exceptional at what they do ... and they've done this over time and with massive investments of capital: two luxuries that these days, most business owners do not have.

    It is a MYTH that a business needs a name that's "catchy", and sadly, being classy won't make the phone ring either.

    Regardless of the niche, the product, or of what "everyone else" is doing ... no one ... NO ONE ... is looking for a service based simply on the catchiness of that service delivery company's name.

    What might your reaction be if someone were to ask you how eventful your service is? What might a baker say if someone was to ask for bread that is breadier than other bread?

    In all your years in the industry have you ever spoken to ANYONE who has specifically asked you how catchy you are?

    Naming a business on its catchiness is like buying hi-fi equipment based on the number of flashing lights and knobs festooning the front of the amplifier. The quantity of knobs, the function of the treble and bass to "adjust" the sound quality, the flashing lines of the lights that indicate peak volume levels ... none of these additional controls improve the sound of the music because the music was recorded and mixed in a professional recording studio ... by professional musicians and audio engineers.

    In the same way that people do not buy drinks based on the wetness of the liquid, people do not buy things likes goods and services based on the catchiness of a name.

    You may THINK they do, but they don't: it's a myth—one that needs to be stamped out.

    Simply tell people who you are and what you do, then
    set yourself apart from everyone else in your niche by being SPECTACULARLY GOOD at what you do. If the most memorable thing for your clients about working with you is your company name there's something wrong with your business model and service delivery plan.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Audrey Hepburn is class with a capital "C". Plus, she is timeless. With this in mind, and the fact that you're a female partnership...

    Events at Tiffanys (a play on breakfast at Tiffany's)


    Two Black Dresses (her most famous outfit)


    Two Fair Ladies (a play on My fair Lady)

    Then under the name, include the tagline...

    the ultimate in events management

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