
Topic: Social Media

Anyone Using Youtube Direct For Online Promotions?

Posted by amy.leon on 250 Points
YouTube Direct seems like a perfect solution for us but want to see if anyone has used it. We are developing an online promotion and we need a simple process to allow our customers to upload videos. Most of the customers will be on Army computers where a lot of FTP sites are blocked...however, YouTube is not. Anyone have any luck/advise/suggestions for using this platform?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Amy,

    I haven't used it yet. All I can suggest is that you give it a try and track your results. Here's a link to an article on other platforms:

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Princeton, NJ, USA
  • Posted by Dane Robbins on Accepted
    We have not used YouTube direct ourselves. Given YouTube's overall track record (solid) I would think it is a good choice. At least the brand is trusted and sufficiently large that you wouldn't need to worry about the functionality going away soon. Think of all the other small vendors that get acquired or simply go out of business. You'd be stuck having to find an alternative in a hurry whereas YouTube is going to be around a while (knock on wood).

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