
Topic: Website Critique

Improve Web Site Conversions

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points

I've spent a long time analysing my sales pitch web page with Crazy Egg and Mouseflow and am now getting lots of customers to the bottom of my page. They are clicking on the buy with PayPal button but their sales are not coming through.

Is it a common occurrence that customers click buy now and then back out or do you think there could be another reason for these 'lost conversions?'

Many thanks

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  • Posted on Author
    Sorry, I forgot about that!

    Here it is:

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    1. It takes quite a while for the Paypal page to load. Maybe people get tired of waiting.

    2. You never tell them how much the product is going to cost until after they click. Maybe they get to the Paypal page and find the price tag too steep for the perceived benefit.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Good overall effort. Here are a few things that might help.

    Your headline offers no benefit, it simply tells me "Make money from apps" Zzzzz! Consider a "How to ..." story. or a video that tells how YOU did A,B, and C, and how you achieved results X,Y, and Z.

    Your offer must convince people that they too can do what you've done. How many pages do people get for their twenty five quid? How about showing a few sample pages? How about telling me everything the book is NOT, but not what it is? How about using testimonials, social proof, a longer guarantee (make it 365 days), how about offering a shorter lead in report to help build your list?

    How about offering a video that shows your potential buyer a portion of the process?

    How about grabbing people's attention, painting a picture, telling your tale as small town boy made good?

    Make your potential buyer feel they know you, like you, and trust you and then you'll see sales go up. And all this 50% off stuff? Ditch it. Unless you can offer significant benefit or additional value (by making the book available as a downloadable video course, step by step) you'll be hard pressed to get people to believe you.

    At the moment, you're failing to do one thing: get people's attention and keep it. You need to make your product's purchase the most logical thing in the world to set an app developer up for success.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Princeton, NJ, USA
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Gary and everyone else. Great feedback!

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