
Topic: Website Critique

Top 3 Or So Suggestions For This Website (first)?

Posted by becky.hatala on 50 Points
If anyone would like to bless a rookie with their expertise - I stumbled through my first website build. Looking for an overview grading of it and what people would say are their top recommendations or first things they would change. I am looking for constructive feedback. What are the most important changes you would make to this site?

**I'm the all-in-one marketing resource so I am looking for top suggestions because I can't get it perfect and we can't outsource the project anytime soon**

Some pre-made pain points:
-content layout/display/organization? Like what elements or plugins might help?
-If I should ditch the photo background: I am clinging to it because I don't know what choices to make without it, but is it horrible?
-body font size?
-(I know the heading font is appearing strange)
-What should be taken off of the homepage - if there is too much text for it (took a content-heavy approach on-site - any feedback on writing style).
We have a video being made - a storied brand live video I'll want to put on there too, maybe to replace the quote on the homepage.

Thank you in advance to anyone that takes the time to provide their feedback (please don't be soul-crushing though)! The company is happy with it but I know it needs work. It's just that what they had before was like 20 years dated...
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Some off-the-cuff thoughts:
    1) The target area is NJ/Tri-State. However, this key piece of text is only in the "One Handshake" JPG.
    2) Stop autoplay of video
    3) The copy is based on the company, not the client.
    4) It's not clear who specifically is the target market - what's unique/special about the offerings?
  • Posted by becky.hatala on Author
    Thank you for your feedback!

    Target is a painpoint... Our website is open for any business in the US to benefit from with our pricing with public online store - pricing lower than distributors and resellers for most products. But before the online presence, the target audience was any company in NJ, PA, DE, or Maryland primarily healthcare. But also legal, banking, automotive, utilities, and manufacturing.

    Our line of business is pretty straightforward and cutthroat - most business is not won through marketing - its mostly for brand recognition and to appear credible, sizeable, and trustworthy. special offerings come down to we outprice others, offer more value-adds than other purchasing partners and we keep clients longterm once we get foot in the door because we do save them money and give better service. We cant get many testimonies thought because of legal restrictions in hospitals, etc.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Narrow your target audience and call it out at the top of the website. Same with the unique and compelling core benefit your target audience can expect when they deal with you. If you can do those two things, everything else can just go along for the ride.

    If there's a sin in the current website it's that you are trying to communicate way too much. The result is that you are probably not communicating the most important information very effectively.
  • Posted by becky.hatala on Author
    @mgoodman - Thank you as well - that's great feedback. Will be thinking about both of your perspectives and making improvements soon. Cheers!

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