
Topic: Website Critique

My Author Website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Is this a good site for marketing my published novels.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    If you're already making sales through this site I'm sure it's fine.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    A saw at least one typo on your home page ("..their child try’s to save...").
    Will the average visitor understand the name "rockyboy"?
  • Posted on Moderator
    "rockyboy2 comes up top on Google search" for what search terms?

    It seems to me your nickname is only relevant for people who know about you (and your nickname) in advance of the search. For everyone else it is essentially a nonsense term.

    So let's first identify the primary target audience for your website. Who is that target audience? Where? Why are they visiting your website? How did they find it? What action(s) would you want them to take, or what opinions would you like them to change, as a result of their visit to your website?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    All the links ("Print copy" and "E-Book") aren't to look at books, they are to purchase them. Make it obvious in the title of the link ("Buy on"). Having 4 links for each book is confusing - either use or (or figure out which to use based on the visitor's IP address). The first thing on the website to catch the person's eye shouldn't be About the Author - it should be why should the reader care about any of your books.

    Some additional edit suggestions:
    - Consistently use 3rd person (About the Author) or 1st person (My latest novel)
    - Fix typos: "Michaels Videos" and "Famous Nicolson's" and "...Skes brother see..."
    - Update copyright
    - If you want people connect with you on FB, don't make the link hard to read (and use FB icon)
    - The layout of the page is a bit dated and busy. Can you update the layout to better match the excitement you're portraying in the books?
    - Only one of your books has a summary. The other books have nothing to tease me to learn more

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted on Moderator
    Too much copy, too many links, no obvious benefit for the site visitor.

    Can you answer the questions above? Who is this site for? What do you want them to do/learn? What benefit should they expect if they do whatever it is you want them to do?

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