
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Slogan/tagline For Male Skin Care Company

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Any idea for a glogan/tagline for my new company - Exclusively for men (EFM).

We are a young and energetic UK company that will specialise in male skin correction products. We will offer the luxurious experience of enhancing the appearance, confidence, and allure of men.

Our masculine, natural, easy to use, undetectable products are made by men for men, to cover skin flaws such as general spots, acne, scars, moles, redness, etc.

Any ideas? I need something which is catchy but also masculine! Thanks Everyone.
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  • Posted on Member
    Before you create (or get someone to create for you) a tagline/slogan for your products, you will need to do some work identifying your target markets - I realise they are male, but you'll need to be more specific than this - what sort of people are they, what are their likes and dislikes, where do they live, how do they act etc.

    Onc you know this sort of information, or at least have had a good stab at it, you can better tailor your tagline/slogan to your target market - using the right sort of language and voice for them.

    For example, if you're trying to target an urban metrosexual, you will need to use very different language to that of a more rural, older population. If you're trying to target an international market, be aware that catchy slogans, slang and vernacular will be different across countries.

    Hope this helps in narrowing it down a little for you.
  • Posted on Member
    Ok, I think you need an answer to your question now. so:

    "Even the most rugged man cracks to keep his skin smooth!"
    "If your comfortable in your skin, It mine as well look Good"
    "Have you seen a man who didn't use (Product Name)?" :-<
    "Have you seen a man who Uses (Product Name)?" :-)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Make Yourself Handsomer
    Why Not Look As Good As You Feel?
  • Posted by laughingmb on Accepted
    Now you see why people pay a fairly decent sum to get a tag line.

    "Rugged man cracks...?"

    Oh my.

    Meredith Blevins
  • Posted on Accepted
    ManSpa Skin Essentials, ManTastic!, Handsome & ?, DermLOGIC, RGL (rugged good looks), MetroFace, ManGlow....ManGoop.

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