
Topic: Strategy

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello - One of our customers has posed us an interesting challenge - do a customer satisfaction survey in 72 hours and let us know what we need to improve.
The client is an Marketing Solutions Provider and I am basically looking to see what is the best way to do this survey - any standard tool that is available that can be run every 6 months or so. I am looking for some powerful questions that go to the root of the issue and make customers really tell the truth - often I have seen such bland questions that dont really elicit anything.
Any advice. I am aware of companies on the net that can host and analyse my questions but what I am looking for is a set of powerful tested questions.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Ramesh, have you used the Search Questions link yet? Try it with the keyword "survey" or "satisfaction." Also look at the hints on that page for using Search, especially the last one regarding Google.

    The experts here have made lots of suggestions about survey tools and content for other KHE members. Since you're in a rush (only 72 hours??) and since traffic here on KHE slows down on weekends, I urge you to dive into the Q&A archive immediately!

    - Shelley

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