
Topic: Taglines/Names

Woman Owned Construction Company Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My wife is starting a construction company and is having difficulty coming up with a name that is feminine, memorable and classy. She will build spec homes as well as custom homes. All suggestions welcome.
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  • Posted by charles.stannard on Accepted
    Can you provide more information to work with? Something to go off of? A name, an area / city, etc? Kinda tough to get started with that little amount of info.

    "Her Hammer"
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    I commend you and your wife for breaking into the "good old boys club." One note of caution. Your approach depends on what kind of construction you are targeting. If it is a company for sky scrapers, roads, bridges, driveways, and sidewalks, stressing feminine might be a bad idea. These are segments where chauvinistic men (of the oinking variety) look for other men to work with them - the contactors and developers, etc. Granted it's a bad idea for a wrong reason...and the world shouldn't be that way...but it is and you can't change it just because you want to. And if you make a stand and protest it, your business may suffer a lot more than you will create change.

    If you are targeting residential housing, a construction company with a feminine touch is not so bad - it's workable and in fact could be a plus. The construction company with taste! We all know that 95% of the decisions in the family are made by the woman. Marketing that the homes have all of the things only women thing of is an edge.

    So How about:
    • A Woman's Touch Construction

    • The Lady of the House Construction

    • Feminine Class Construction

    • Boutique Construction

    • Beauty and Grace Construction

    • Styles by _____________ Construction (insert wife's first name)

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    One Divine Hammer
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi -- Congratulations on the new venture! I would like to pass along a few thoughts -- you may have more positive reaction (and a larger market) if you keep the construction company name business like, and then have a tagline that indicates it is a women owned/operated business. For Example, "lpssenkbeil Construction" A Women owned Business.
    W.M.M.A and rwood provide very good points and thoughts of consideration.
    And the link from bejane that KathySmith provided is an excellent resource for ideas.
    Best of luck to you.

    Positive Thinker
  • Posted on Accepted
    I market architects online and deal with builders and developers nationwide. I really like the name Legacy. Legacy Builders or Construction to me means you build quality designs and one a homeowner can be proud of to have a lifetime. Goodluck and go to if you need designs for your spec homes. All the designs are exclusive, not anywhere else online. Julie
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted
    Eva Constructions - beautiful buildings

    Evita - Building with grace

    Venezia Constructions - Romancing Building

  • Posted on Accepted
    Handy Women Construction

    Built by Her

    Her Home Construction

    Softer Side

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