
Topic: Strategy

Se Launch Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have recently broadened my prospects by joining a online search / web / marketing company. One of the new projects that have made its way to my plate is the launch of a new Product Shopping Search Engine.

Does anyone here wish to share ideas of how to launch such a monster - what ways and channels would one use to market a search engine..? I have a few ideas of my own, but dont really have anything to weigh them against...

Any takers?
Thank you in advance!
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    You know, new search engines are poopping up like weeds!

    Here are a couple of great ways to get a lot of exposure and info.

    1. Put it up for Auction on ebay. Sound funny? well people buy and sell serach engine sites there everyday!

    I would list a full product description with screen shots, a link to the site and an email link for feedback and suggestions.

    Place a ridiculously high reserve so no one will be able to actually win but you will get tons of exposure, hits, visits, feedback, etc. Make sure you soend the extra $$$ to feature it in almost everyway you can to maximmize exposure. If you are unsure how to do this, I have been doing it for years and can host it for you.

    2. Surveys. One site that comes to mind is You can custom tailor a survey to your specific needs and either use your own email list or pay them to use a targeted list they own.

    3. Once you get the feedback, surveys, initial visits, etc, start an email newsletter campaign twice a month. Each time, highlight new products,articles, ads, sponsors etc.

    I hope that helps!

    Send me an email if you need further assistance.

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