
Topic: Strategy


Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
What are the critical points to be taken into consideration while positioning a product? How is it different from Business Space in which the product is operating? For e.g, the business space for Microsoft Windows is Operating System?Can a different naming of the same business space provide a space to launch a similar , although not identical product?
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  • Posted on Member
    Well the most critical point is to remeber its the position in the mind of the target audience or public. This means you have to go out and find out from your public - surveying,interviewing etc. This being said leads me to your next question:
    Can a different naming of the same business space provide a space to launch a similar , although not identical product?
    it simply doesn''t fly -
    It would be like Coca -Cola trying to use their position to sell soap.
    Of course you can try and create a new position in a new namespace - but its costly;)

    Some critical point in positioning:
    1. Research the existing market position, Who is out there and what are their existing positions
    2. What position do you have already?
    3. What position can I realistically aim for? Is my product close to existing products? What separate it out? Etc.
    4. Can I match this position?
    5. Avoid going head on a market leader.

    I believe the main thing to remember is, that what your are trying to achieve is always seen from the audience perspective. You are in essence trying to create instant impression. So the less guessing you go into, the better.

    Good luck, hope this is helpful

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