Because I am in the biz, I like to think that I am unaffected by marketing, particularly the advertising wing. Wrong! The truth: I am unaffected by bad marketing, which I think is best represented by much of today's advertising.

Don't blame the creatives. They are just as innovative as before. Blame the executives who are out of touch with their customers.
What brings me to write about this? Yesterday, I spent six hours on America's highways and byways. So bored that I began paying attention to the cars around me. First, I am not a car guy. I drive a 10-year-old Ford because I got a good deal on it. But yesterday, my emotions responded every time I saw a Cadillac. To the point that I announced to my wife that "I want one of those," and she responded, "I know. You have been saying that for a year."
Wow! She's right. Without being conscious of it, Cadillac has gotten under my skin and in my heart. But why? I believe it is because of the auto-maker's most recent advertising campaign. Here is an example:

But what makes that ad or any of Cadillac's recent ads grab my attention? Could it be these old but proven techniques?
1. Storytelling.
2. Futuristic show and tell.
3. The use of analogies that everyone can relate to.
4. The selling of different and special.
5. Great views that put me in the car.
6. Charged my imagination to create the potential for a great experience if I buy a Cadillac.
Can't say for sure because I can't read my heart. But I suspect I am grabbed because of those things and more. Cadillac has turned on my senses and awakened my emotions. Most marketing doesn't do that.
What ads touch you and why? Can you see what I see in the Cadillac ads? If you were the advertising/marketing god, what would you change about today's campaigns, if anything? What would you keep the same?

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Unaffected by Bad Marketing

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Lewis Green, Founder and Managing Principal of L&G Business Solutions, LLC, ( brings three decades of business management experience. L&G Business Solutions, LLC, represents his third company. Additionally, he held management positions with GTE Discovery Publications, Puget Sound Energy and Starbucks Coffee Company.

In addition to his business experiences, Lewis is a published author and a former journalist, sports writer and travel writer. His feature articles have appeared in books, magazines and newspapers throughout North America. He has taught in public schools; lobbied for organizations both in state capitols and in Washington, D.C.; delivered workshops, seminars, and training programs; and made presentations to audiences in colleges, businesses and professional organizations. Lewis also has served as a book editor with a large publisher, the Executive Editor overseeing four magazines, and a newspaper department editor. Lewis served eight years in the U.S. Air Force, where he received the Air Force Commendation Medal.