Take 10 Author Series: Eight Commonly Misused Words and How to Use Them Correctly

- Presenter:
- Mignon Fogarty
- Released:
- Fri., Nov. 25, 2011, 11am ET (8am PT)
- Length:
- 10 minutes
Get quick marketing insights you can put into action today with our Take 10 Author Series—exclusive webcasts with leading authors in marketing and business. This webcast with Mignon Fogarty covers essential grammar advice from her popular book, 101 Misused Words, plus a few exclusive tips she saved just for us.
Want your words to have the desired affect? (Or is that effect?) Does saying the wrong word in front of a crowd make for a hysterical or a hilarious presentation? Not sure who to turn to for council (or counsel?) to help you with tricky words?
In this Take 10 Author Series webcast, famed grammarian and best-selling author Mignon Fogarty shares critical tips for remembering the correct meanings (and spellings) of commonly misused words. She offers memorable quotes to underscore her lessons and handy mnemonics so you'll never again confuse an action (affect) with an outcome (effect). By the end of this Take 10, you'll fear eight fewer words and, moreover, know how to put them to best use.
Mignon Fogarty is the author of Grammar Girl's 101 Misused Words You'll Never Confuse Again
, and the founder and managing director of Quick and Dirty Tips. A magazine writer, technical writer, and entrepreneur, she has served as senior editor and producer for a number of health and science websites. She has a B.A. in English from the University of Washington in Seattle and an M.S. in biology from Stanford University.
Who Should Attend?
If you want quick tips and tricks on the correct use of some frequently misused words, then grab a cup off coffee and join us for this Take 10 webcast.
What Will You Learn?
- The difference between "hysterical" and "hilarious" (as well as the sexist origins of the former)
- A mental trick for remembering whether it's "affect" or "effect"
- Why the verdict is still out on "data" as a singular or plural noun
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