
Topic: Taglines/Names

Internet Cafe Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi Guys

We are opening up an internet cafe, the name is e- City, teh colours re Blue and Red... can anyone help me with some tag lines?

We offer business services, Internet services, Computer training, gaming.

Thanks guys

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  • Posted on Accepted
    What is it you want the tagline to communicate? What's your intended positioning/value proposition. What georgraphic market? Who is the primary target audience? What unique benefit are you promising? Why should your target audience come to your place?

    Let's say we come up with 25 tagline suggestions for you. How are you going to know which one to pick? What criteria will you use to evaluate them?

    If we know that, we have a chance of being helpful to you. Without that, we're flying blind. Help us help you by sharing the positioning thinking you've done. And if you haven't done any yet, I'd recommend that you defer the question of the tagline until you have. First things first.
  • Posted by chough on Accepted
    Personally I LOVE "Point, click, sip"!
    how about
    Freshly brewed and fully connected.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Dad's back.

    I don't think I can beat chough's tagline: Freshly brewed and fully connectecd.

    Actually, I think you have a few good ones here (e.g., Point, click, slip), but I would be concerned that your target audience is pretty broad, and I think the tagline would be more effective if you narrowed the target to just students or just young adults. It's really hard to be all things to all people, and you're bound to have to make compromises unless you set yourself some pretty rigid priorities.

    Also, since this is a local business, you might want to include some reference to the city in your tagline. Example: "Elm City's high-tech coffee bar." That also let's you tie into the name of your place where you use the word/concept "city."

    P.S. I'm the strategy guy, not a professional copywriter. And I've had my share of being "Dad" for my own kids and several clients.
  • Posted by chough on Member
    Look forward to having to ponder whether to go to Starbucks or e-City!
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Simy,

    I just hit by your entry about Internet Cafe, as I was searching in the google. Hows your business doing? As I just started mine.



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