
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Motivational Speaker

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello, I'm looking for help in establishing a dynamic & creative tagline and slogan for my professional speaking business. I have been in the entertainment business for over 20 years as a television producer & director. The last few years I have been working with motivational speakers as their "producer" in helping them to better their presentation & platform skills, marketing materials and in producing their informational products.

I am now moving into the speaking area myself as a motivational speaker & professional speakers coach.

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What I am needing is a catchy tagline and slogan that describes my approach. Some have called me the "Simon Crowell of the speaking industry"... the "Tell it like it is" speaker & coach. I still am deeply involved in the video & television production industry, so playing off of the "producer/director" idea might be worthwhile.

I'm looking for something that is unique. That will stand out & be different.

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  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    Hard to imagine any line working in a vacuum, but assuming it will be accompanied by a little background info, try some of these.
    Warning: a couple are pretty quirky. Cerebral mood today, I guess...

    Producer of results.

    "A good talking-to" for the you that needs one!

    "What's in it for you" is what's in YOU for you!

    Making a more satisfying YOU happen!

    Eradicating excuses since___________.

    I'll get you where you're going....or ought to be.

    This is fun. More later, maybe.

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