
Topic: Strategy

New Golf Clothing Line...many Questions

Posted by Anonymous on 75 Points
I am currently in developement of a new Golf Clothing Line. I have a Graphic artist working with me to produce the Logo. I am in the early stages of website developement for my product. I have never done anything like this before. My questions are as follows.

1. How do I get my clothing line into stores? (Pro Shops) (other retail outlets)
2. When speaking to store owners what % do they need for them to make it worth while to stock my clothing?
3. Are there any free outlets for me to market and sell my clothes?(Other than ebay)
4. Are there any stores(online or other) that will cary my line no matter what it is?
5. Is there any worthwhile advice you can give me before I spend a ton of money on this venture?
6. Is this a worthwhile venture? If yes, why?

Thank you for your time and effort in advance.
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Member
    I did a quick peek on golf phrases and their daily search numbers. Since the numbers are so high, I think in this case I would first focus on establishing a strong professional e-commerce presence first, then begin with PPC and quickly follow with tower/banner ads in email newsletters and golf portals.

    I would then focus on retail and catalogue sales next.

    Just some thoughts.

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