
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Ceo Section Of Newsletter

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi everyone

All speedy responses very much appreciated for this!!!

We are sending out a client newsletter and the major emphasis of it is around our "Experience" positioning. We are a company that is 120 years old (in NZ, that's quite old!!!) and we rebranded last year and have recently taken on the experience positioning.

In our client newsletter we have a regular column from our Chief Executive and it has been called "From Peter's Desk"...which we think is a little unimaginative.

Some ideas we have been throwing around are "In Focus", "Peter's Perspective" but we are really struggling to come up with other ideas.

Can anyone help???

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Is "Peter" is known by name, then what you currently use may not be that bad (as would the "Peter's Perspective option").

    "In Focus" doesn't say that it is comments from the CEO, which I think may be good to point out.

    How about something like "From the Top" or "From the Leader"

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