
Topic: Taglines/Names

Slogan Help Please

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am having serious trouble coming up with a slogan for a company called Alliance Property Finance.

The company specialises in Mortgage Broking, and is a free service to clients. Any assistance/ Ideas would be greatly appreciated - mel
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi mbest

    Welcome to KHE !!

    we need more information from your end regarding your company. who are your target customers, which income bracket they fall in, what kinda mortgage brokering your do, what are your positioning in the market, what is your specialty etc. give us more information then we will be able to help you more. also share with us what kinda slogan you are thinking yourself and what do you wnat to convey to the clients thru' the slogan.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Why should anyone use your services? What makes you unique? Are you any differentfrom/better than the hundreds of others in your business?

    Before we can give you real help, we need to understand your positioning. What is the key benefit that a customer would receive and notice? If you can tell us that, we might be able to help with the slogan.

    Also, how are you going to decide which slogan to use? What is the criterion for selection? If we know the "rules," it will be easier to come up with good suggestions.

    FWIW, your name doesn't help much. "Allied" isn't a benefit ... or if it is, it's pretty obscure.

  • Posted on Member
    A slogan is not just a catch phrase and can not be offered up by someone simply reading your request. It should be clear and concise as to what your value proposition is based primarily (but not solely) on your customers' needs. Think about BASF (we don't make the things you use, we make them better) or Mercedes (Engineered like no other car in the world). What differentiates you based on needs? I realize it is what it is, but a good slogan can mean the difference between a customer calling you or your competition. Good luck!

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