
Topic: Strategy

Positioing Statement

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I need to develop a positioning statement for a green tea brand. One for the health concious segment & one for youth & teenagers.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    You need to first of all understand what the market attributes are in these two segments, for example:

    Health Concious - do they believe that the key attributes to them are:

    o Antioxidants
    o Cost

    Youth/Teens - do they believe that the key attributes to them are:

    o Refreshing Taste
    o Trendiness

    Once you have the key attributes, you map them onto a 2x2 matrix with your competitors products and see where you are all positioned. Then if you are happy with your position your define it, or attempt to reposition yourself in the area you wish to be.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    It might be worth searching the forum for similar questions and answers.

    You might even find the answer you need from a simple Google search.

    Enjoy your time here, but try to make it as productive as possible for yourself :-)

    Good Luck


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