
Topic: Taglines/Names

Flanagan Breeder Of Old English Bulldogges

Posted by deonflanagan1002 on 25 Points
I need a name to register with kennel club. I breed OEB right now next year I'm adding French bulldogs. I'm working toward my own bloodline staying true to breed standard and the blue Ribbon heritage of my dame. I want a name and slogan that expresses my dedication and love of bulldogges. Something people will remember and something that is respectable for my kennel registration. Without being exclusive to the OEB because I'm adding franchys next year. Breeders catch alot of flack but good breeders can help people get the right fit for their lifestyle so when the cute puppy phase is over the dog is a beloved member of the family instead of neglected or abandoned. I've put alot of myself and money into developing our bloodline and we do it because we love them. OEBwere the original bulldog every bulldog today came from this breed . They were bred into extinction until the70s when a vet began cross breeding to bring them back. ITS AMAZING HISTORY. I WANT TO HONOR THAT
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    How about simply: True Blue Bulldogs?

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