
Topic: Branding

Brand Name Suggestion For Middle Eastern Dips

Posted by ramymora on 125 Points
Hello fellow marketers,

I'm working on a new line of Middle Eastern dips, like hummus and baba ghanoush, and would love to get your input on brand name ideas. The main player in the market right now is Sabra, which is partially owned by Pepsico. I'm considering two different approaches: choosing a name that has Middle Eastern associations, similar to Sabra, or going with something more universal that doesn’t necessarily connect directly to hummus or baba ghanoush.

I would really appreciate any suggestions or ideas you might have. Thanks so much for your help!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    A middle-east name may be good to strongly connect with a region's well-known foods, but it may have future perceived political name issues.

    Assuming the brand is US based, and your company's name is known, then why not simply call your brand: The Johnson Company's Middle East Delicacies (for example)?

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