
Topic: Branding

Product Brands & Company Owners

Posted by mcgoogan on 250 Points
I am seeking a list of Fortune 500 companies and product brands they own. Does anybody know who offers such a list?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Not sure if there is a list like the one you describe. Most/all of the Fortune 500 have multiple brands, and some brands don't even get a mention on their website. If this is really important to you, perhaps you can start visiting the websites of target companies to see what you can learn about their most prominent brands.

    With 500 companies and an average of just 10 brands per company you'd have 5,000 brands. I suspect the real number is at least double or triple that. What's the purpose of this project?
  • Posted by mcgoogan on Author
    The purpose of this project is to accurately quantify how much sales revenue is earned for a Parent Company, by summing Product Brand sales.

    For example: Clinique + Aveda + Aramis = Estee Lauder (parent).
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    The vast majority of Fortune 500 companies are public, a have to report their sales in their annual reports. Is that number not accurate enough for your need?
  • Posted by mcgoogan on Author
    To clarify, it is for roll up of my organization's sales revenue from our customers.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I haven't seen a single comprehensive list. Instead, many of the top 500 have webpages listing their brand portfolios. Additionally, this information can also be found in Wikipedia (such as: and

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