
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Cat Cafe Who Is Re-naming

Posted by meow on 250 Points
We are a Cat Cafe (part coffeeshop, part cat adoption center) that is a French-inspired space centered around 1910s-1920s Paris. We were originally "The Great Catsby", which paid homage to my husband's rare book business (which Is also a part of our business) and again a play on the Fitzgerald book and "cats", which is our "product". We have been very successful BUT find ourselves repeatedly explaining what our name means. We have decided to re-name as "Chico Cat Cafe" since that is what people Google us as and what we are known for - makes sense so why not?? We didn't have a tagline previously but we would like to have one for our new building sign and our business cards. We were tossing around the idea of "Cats. Coffee. Community" just to keep it simple but also like "Connecting cats to Chico's community through coffee since 2022" and "Where Cats and Coffee Collide - the Chico Community's furrst Cat Cafe" too. Please help! Thank mew :)
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Since people are searching for you with the words "cat cafe," you don't need a tagline to explain what your business is nor where it's located.

    In fact, a simple idea would be to leave your business name as-is, and adopt your proposed new business name as The Great Catsby's tagline:

    The Great Catsby: Chico's #1 Cat Cafe

    But if you're already convinced you're wanting to change your business name, then focus on the benefit people get while visiting: for example "Meet, play, and bond with kittens" (from your website) or "Lounge around with our kittens"
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Changing names generally does come with a bot of market confusion. Always potential that you will lose some people who search for you under old name, but can't find you so assume you are closed.

    The new name is pretty descriptive, so you possibly wouldn't need a tagline. But I like the idea of continuing to use your old name to help reduce this loss, and an option would be to put it in a tagline.

    "The Great Catsby - where Cats and Coffee Collide"
    "The Great Catsby - Chico Community's furrst Cat Cafe"

    Another option would be to keep the old name and instead add a tagline along the lines of what you were considering as the new name, which should help what you reported as a perceived problem (having to explain what you do). If you did a tagline of something like "Chico Cat Cafe - Where Cats and Coffee Collide" and then added these to the descriptions of Google products and into your web site, this would also help you get up higher on search engines for what you said was the common search.
  • Posted on Moderator
    My vote: Keep the current name and put the benefit in the new tagline. Example:

    The Great Catsby
    Chico's #1 Cat Cafe
  • Posted by teachvisualart on Member
    The Great Catsby- Where coffee, cats & community come furrrrst! 😻
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    The Cuddly Cafe...Chico's #1 Cat Cafe
    The Cuddly Corner
    Cico's Cat Cafe...the purrfect cup!
    Cat Nap Cafe
    9 Lives Cafe

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