
Topic: Strategy

Proposal Go/no-go Decision

Posted by corinne.cereceres on 50 Points
I am looking for examples of proposal go/no-go questionnaires and wasn't able to find anything under the search bar. Any chance there are articles or examples of best practices for go/no-go decision making? Thanks!
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  • Posted on Moderator
    I, for one, am not familiar with the term "proposal go/no-go questionnaire" or "go/no-go decision making." Can you explain? Perhaps give an example or let us know what you are trying to accomplish.

  • Posted by corinne.cereceres on Author
    This is a process of determining whether to respond to a request for proposal (RFP). It's to help make a good business decision based on several factors such as how much pre-sell effort was put into the time leading up to the RFP being issued, how well you know the client, if it aligns strategically with business plans, how much you know about the competition, if the fee makes good business sense, etc. By going thru a go/no-go process, it should help decision makers decide whether to pursue.
  • Posted on Moderator
    I've responded to so many RFPs over the years I should have recognized the issue. The reason I didn't, though, is that the real decision process almost always dealt not so much with the specifics of the desired deliverable but with our resources and what alternatives we had for the people/hours necessary to come up with a [hopefully] winning proposal.

    Of course, you need to consider all the components you mention and at least make a subjective assessment of how long and how much it will take, and whether the view is worth the climb. It would be nice if you have more opportunities than you can handle.

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