
Topic: Taglines/Names

Fire Alarm Company Name

Posted by melwood513 on 250 Points
A female friend and I are starting our own fire alarm/ life safety business. We will be doing inspections, servicing and installing of commercial fire alarm systems. From small tenant improvements to large commercial buildings and warehouses. We are having a hard time coming up with a name. We are the only women in the area in this line of work so we would like to stand out and make the fact it is woman owned obvious. Any suggestions welcomed, thank you!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's your competition like in your targeted region? If there is little competition, then a simple name: "[RegionName] Fire Alarms" or "[RegionName] Fire Safety Systems" would make sense to be easily found.

    If there's lots of competition, then having a name that showcases a unique benefit/niche would make sense. For example, if you service old systems (while the competition is focused only on new systems).

    The fact that you're women-owned is something that would make you unique, but how will this benefit your customer? Focus on how you're much better than the competition ("we offer everything they do PLUS we can also....").
  • Posted on Moderator
    How is the gender of the business owners a benefit for the customer? For some the gender might seem like an excuse or diversion. You'd be much better served by a name and tagline that extol an important, UNIQUE AND COMPELLING BENEFIT for your customers, as Jay suggests.

    Forget the name issue for now. Let's drill down to the UNIQUE AND COMPELLING BENEFIT your customers can expect when they deal with you. Once you've identified that, coming up with the name will be much easier.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Safety Belles / Fire Belles
    Mothers Security
    Thimble Protection Services
    Eve N Safer

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