
Topic: Taglines/Names

All Star Pet Resort Au Need A Tag Line

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have just taken over a boarding kennel in Australia (foster care boarding kennel) and I want to rebrand back to my business (All Star Pet Minding) i'm stuck on a tag line I was thinking All Star Pet Resort- 5 star care when you can't be there? but meh im not sure
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your proposed tagline is okay, but it really doesn't clarify why people should choose YOUR kennel. What do you provide that your competition doesn't/can't? Do you specialize in certain breeds, sizes, medical conditions, exercises, etc.? By calling yourself a "resort" it sounds like you're trying to make your services higher-end. What will you be doing differently (if anything) from before?
  • Posted on Accepted
    As a general rule, the name and tagline taken together should communicate a compelling benefit to the primary target audience. It is not clear to me that the name alone communicates any substantive benefit for your target audience. (What's in it for a pet owner that you are "all-star?") That puts a huge burden on the tagline.

    Instead of just putting together some clever words, let me suggest you give some serious thought to responding to Jay Hamilton-Roth's questions and ask yourself why a pet owner might benefit from hiring YOU. That thought should drive the selection of a tagline.

    As a separate but related matter, how are you going to select a winning tagline if we come up with a short list of candidates? What criteria will you use? How will you ever know if the tagline is the best one? Maybe you want to prepare a carefully considered Creative Brief.

    Creative Brief:
  • Posted by chiron34 on Accepted
    What are the taglines used by your competitors? We wouldn't want to recommend a tagline that may already be in use by another company. What city are your kennels in? We cannot rule out a tagline that may, inter alia, reflect your location. Do you have any particular services that you provide to clients (humans or dogs) that are unique to you? Points of clear difference between you and your competitors are very important from the marketing perspective.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    I've got some ideas, but the questioner needs to participate a little bit first.
    There are useful questions being asked above.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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