
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A Jigsaw Puzzle Startup

Posted by harmanhar on 125 Points
I need to come up with a name for a jigsaw puzzle startup. I had named Love&Piece earlier but its trademark already.
So I need a fun, innovative name for a jigsaw puzzle startup that's focused on original, engaging artwork pieces and high quality.
Name should be modern and edgy.
One company name I like but its already taken is: Inner Piece.
Name should be sophisticated, engaging, could be double meaning.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Since it seems that you want the word "piece" in the name, here are some suggested names: Conversation Piece, Piece of Mind, Piece of Work, and Peaceful Pieces.
  • Posted by harmanhar on Author
    Suggestion could also include names without word "piece"
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Then we should start with the basics, rather than playing a word game:
    - Who specifically is likely to buy your puzzles? Where are they located?
    - What makes them significantly better/different than your competition?
    - How are you going to judge our name suggestions?
    - How will people find your puzzles - on a shelf or online or ???
    - Will your company mostly product jigsaw puzzles? If so, why not put the word "jigsaw" and/or "puzzle" in your name (to improve SEO)?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Jay has asked some important questions. It's really important that we understand your responses before we throw more name candidates at you. Can you take a shot at your initial answers?

    You obviously know that the name is an important element of your marketing plan. It's worth taking the time to tackle the naming challenge with the best input you can get. This isn't the place to shoot from the hip.

    Let us help. And let's begin with the basics as Jay suggests.
  • Posted on Moderator
    Innovative and Clever Jigsaw Puzzles

    (Just a shot in the dark ...)
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Lovin' Pieces
    Love in Pieces
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    What does "engaging artwork pieces" mean to the customer? Is there a theme or something that pulls the images together? Photography or paintings? Knowing more about these images will help narrow down your creative options.
  • Posted by harmanhar on Author
    jay, mgoodman, Steve and mike thanks for all your help! I have found the name.
    jay and mgoodman thanks for taking the time out for detailed responses!

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