
Topic: Taglines/Names

A Name Teenagers Would Like Called Related To Stem

Posted by warriormelissa on 70 Points
A name teenagers who is interested in STEM would love to be called to create a movement, a style, they own genre and etc. I wanted StemPunk and StemKidz but they are taken & being used. I will be using this name as part of branding hashtag, to create products such as trading cards, dolls, & etc. & use as a subtitle and tagline. This is a very important question and I wish I had more points to offer you but please consider the importance of this question. I would love to have a variety of name ideas from this community of experts. I would also love to have a lot of experts chime in with their answers.
This character concept is based from my characters I created in my Kids chapter book based on STEM in which I am planning to create a series. I want each character to have a unique style not the norm for these STEM careers which will be a feature from each of the series of books. I really need your help for some awesome names & ideas I can really use that will have amazing marketing power. This will be age level 9-14 years old who unique identities who will be recognized in school as cool & popular. The age level can increase to 15-17 as the kids grow and the books follow them throughout school.
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  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Kids who do this, these days, have to be real troopers...
  • Posted on Moderator
    Have you interviewed STEM kids to see what they might like to be called, or what they call themselves? If so, what did they say? If not, that should be your first stop.
  • Posted by warriormelissa on Author
    Yes I have talked with kids already in STEM & kids anticipating being in STEM. It really don't matter to them they just want to have a cool name to fit their identity so they will be the cool kids in school & not just the smart nerdy kids. And some of the names we discussed is already been taken. This is why I turned to you professionals in marketing industry for help. This is your specialty.
  • Posted by chiron34 on Member
    ... Helping Young Adults Achieve their Dreams

    Sprog is an 'olde worlde' English word for a young person learning practical skills, It is a word similar in use to 'apprentice' or novice. It has originally come from British military slang. During the early stages of my own formal apprenticeship as a radio & radar technician on military aircraft, I was often referred to by older tradesmen as the Sprog.
  • Posted on Moderator


  • Posted by warriormelissa on Author
    I did not get any helpful ideas or names, nothing I was looking for. I thought the urgent status would get more answers but it also didn't help any. Thank you to the people who did submit answers.
  • Posted by fixitchixlv on Member
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi, all!

    At Melissa's request, I've closed this question. Thanks for participating!


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